6:32. I’m up.

Tea and Scrivener. Am I ready? Uhhh. Let’s see. It is Friday, no baby, I will have two hours to myself this morning while the kids are in preschool. Studies show that I am *less* motivated with more options to put it off. So like, I could open up Scrivener now and just kind of putter and not really do anything because I feel like I will have time later, but then I will also fritter away the time later and nothing will get done. This is where word count goals come in handy. Really I would like to spend the time later as sanctioned reading/listening time, time to do not much at all. That means now is the time to do.

Can I write 1000 words this morning? I can. I know approximately what to do next, and it doesn’t really matter if I’m wrong. I think it’s important to just write them, and I think if I can fully adopt the attitude of ‘let’s just write all these words, it doesn’t matter if we delete them later’ that it can be fun and harmonious. Let’s do it that way, shall we? Quick and easy, no big deal, just write some possible next stuff down, it is much much easier to work with words that are already on the page.

Hopefully that will serve as a pep talk to myself to actually do some work this morning.

Going in.