B lately has been “working on her book”,

she sits on a little chair and uses the piano bench as her desk and writes squiggly lines across pages and pages of paper. She stresses out about it, says, “I’m not going to finish it before Grandma leaves!” or “I need to finish it before we go camping!” She won’t say what it’s about. Yesterday she was sitting at the kitchen table bemoaning the fact that her book wasn’t going to be done before Grandma leaves and I said, “So go work on it.” And she said, “I can’t, I need a snack first.” It is incredibly mind-blowing to…


Argghhh, sucked in by the NYTimes.

Okay. What was the question? What am I trying to do. I would like a list of the central big plot questions and I would like to brainstorm solutions so that I can begin to pick off the remaining to-dos one by one so that I can feel good about something called “completion” and begin to send out queries with reckless abandon and feel like if someone actually wants to see the manuscript I won’t have to scramble. Also, I could give it to people to read. That’s a noble cause, right? Right. Let’s open up the docs and see…